When choosing stone in the thin veneer/landscaping industry its important to get the definitions of some of the rock we carry here at Sunrise Inc.
Chief Cliff
Chief Cliff is an extremely durable dark grey quartzite. Quartzite forms from quartz rich sandstone undergoing metamorphosis resulting in a compact rock composed of recrystallized interlocking quartz grains. Quartzite is so durable that in nature it typically forms ridges with little or no soil or vegetation. Chief Cliff contains iron oxides (rust and other minerals) which can be seen in streaks and on exposed surfaces causing earth tones which characterize the rock. Chief Cliff thin veneer is available in squares and rectangles, ledge, and random shapes.
Perma is a tough sandstone predominantly composed of quartz sand grains cemented together by silicate and carbonate minerals with layers which have metamorphosed to quartzite. Perma contains micas which can give sheen to some of its surfaces and iron oxides which give “earthy” tones to exposed areas of the stone. Leaf-like mineral deposits called dendrites can often be seen on the stones exposed faces. Perma is a very durable stone as quartz is among the hardest and most resilient minerals on the earth’s surface and quartzite is an extremely hard rock. Perma thin veneer is available in squares and rectangles, and ledge.
Moose Mountain
Backus is a particularly sturdy dark purple quartzite. The purple color is the result of iron inclusions in the crystal structure of the quartz which composes rock. Several types of sedimentary structures can be seen in Backus including ripple marks and mud cracks giving the stone a unique and characteristic texture. Backus thin veneer is available in square and rectangles, ledge, and random shapes.
Frontier Sandstone
Frontier Sandstone is a durable, fine-grained, quartz rich sandstone. The sand grains are cemented together predominantly by silicate minerals. Iron rich layers are shown as darker brown streaks running with the grain of the sandstone and excellent examples of ripple marks can often be seen. The combination of silicate cements and quartz grains result in Frontier Sandstone being very resilient. Frontier Sandstone thin veneer is available in square and rectangles, and ledge.
Basalt is a dense and hard igneous rock indigenous to the greater Spokane area. Basalt is a fine grained extrusive volcanic rock rich in iron and magnesium. The high iron content of the stone often results in brown to rust red colors on exposed surfaces. Small holes can occasionally be seen in basalt which formed when dissolved gases escaped from the depressurized magma. Basalt thin veneer is available in random shapes.
Sawtooth Granite
Sawtooth Granite is a very strong granitic rock indigenous to the greater Spokane area. Granites are formed by the slow underground cooling of certain magmas subsequently exposed by weathering and erosion. The unique texture of Sawtooth Granite comes from the distinctive ratios of medium-grained crystals including quartz, micas, and feldspars. Granite has been used for centuries as a building and decorative stone and is commonly employed in modern construction for its beauty and durability. Sawtooth Granite thin veneer is available in squares and rectangles, ledge, and random shapes.
Whitetail Granite
Whitetail Granite is another durable granitic rock indigenous to the greater Spokane area. The average size of the crystals comprising Whitetail Granite are smaller than those of Sawtooth Granite, giving Whitetail Granite its “salt and pepper” look and texture. Larger crystals of feldspar can be seen interspersed throughout the stone adding to its unique appearance. Whitetail Granite thin veneer is available in square and rectangles, ledge, and random shapes.
Montana Mossy
Montana Mossy is extremely long lasting quartzite and quartz dominant sandstone. As the name suggests, Montana Mossy commonly has several species of lichen and moss growing on the surfaces which have been exposed to the elements. The presence of moss on the rock is a testament to its resistance to weathering as less resilient rocks would have been transformed into soils. Montana Mossy thin veneer is available in random shapes.
Idaho Fieldstone
Idaho Fieldstone is an exceptionally tough mixture of several types of metamorphic and igneous rocks. Idaho Fieldstones are the result of the multiple glacial lake outburst floods associated with Glacial Lake Missoula, 15,000-13,000 years ago. These stones were carried for great distances by the torrents of water and became rounded in the process. Only the most resilient portions of each stone survived the journey. Today, the underground presence of these stones in the Spokane Valley and Rathdrum Prairie results in one of the most prolific aquifers on the planet. Idaho Fieldstone thin veneer is available in random shapes.