Consider where you park and where guests will park and how they get to the entrance. Nowadays many homes have two front entrances and don’t bother to build a walk to the main door.
Although you may not use the front door, creating an inviting entrance makes your house look better. One option is a walkway going from the main entrance and to the side entrance. If people park on the street, have the walkway go towards it.
Shape: Curved or Straight
If curved, accentuate the curves, otherwise it can look like poor construction. Curves work well for larger front yards so the walk can extend out from the house a little more. This also creates planting beds that are larger, which is a nice option for an informal look. Meandering walkways cause you to slow down to focus on your surroundings.
If there is a slope, add steps to the beginning or end. If you require many steps, separate them and add landings making it easier for everyone to walk on. Too steep of a slope can be slippery and hazardous for some to navigate. Avoid a single step as it can be a tripping hazard.
Consider removing old concrete steps or having them veneered with other materials.